My Yoga Journey

Inspired by the “Getting to know each other” 1st episode the new #yogalandpodcast season, I thought I would share with anyone who is curious to know something about me and my yoga journey. I tried my first ever class in my early 20s, probably out of curiosity. I had heard about the benefits of yoga…

Bumps and UFO

Uncommon pairing, but not if UFO stands for Upright, Forward and Open.  Three important actions for the pregnant body.  Prenatal yoga brings focus on these aspects and so much more.  The parallels that one can draw between yoga and pregnancy and childbirth are countless.  The breath, the physical and mental awareness, the sense of equanimity…

My birth story

I never knew I would be sitting here a week from our birth, with my little boy peacefully lying down on my lap wanting to write my birth story.  I write “our” because one of the most beautiful things I read during my pregnancy is that when a baby is born, a woman is born…

Yogi on the scales

I don’t generally like to post so much skin on social media; not because I am a prude but rather because I wish to use this outlet in better ways. What looks like a very widely seen comparative picture is actually much more than that. Also yoga and anything to do with physical appearance, weight…