Home birth story

  Welcome to the light Tommaso     I’ve always secretly believed I had a lot of beginner’s luck; that anytime I would do something for the second time, it would be a little bit more challenging, if not a disaster. Be it teaching a new class, baking something, going back to a place I…

The joys and pains of breastfeeding


No it’s not a typo. Breastfeeding is an entirely different beast, alas one we do not hear enough about. I remember my first meltdown took place a couple of days after returning home with our baby. We couldn’t settle him at night and we weren’t sure if I had been producing enough or any milk.…

Birth video

“Why? Why would you do that?” That’s what I asked myself and many other people to whom we hinted we might film our birth. As I became more educated and confident about birth, I realised I wouldn’t ask myself why would I have a beautiful and happy moment on record. The problem is that by…

Feminism and birth

Everything I knew about giving birth before I actually gave birth was an unfortunate production of media misrepresentation, blurry tales of past generations and a sense of emergency that could only be possibly resolved by someone wearing scrubs. I have always wondered out of the “emergency Caesarean” how many were actually emergencies the way we…