
My second time breastfeeding

  15 April (Day 1) I missed being with Luca and Leonardo on our first night as 4 but I was discharged this evening and Leonardo welcomed me behind the hospital doors with the biggest smile. It hit me as we were driving home that we are now a family…

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Home birth story

  Welcome to the light Tommaso     I’ve always secretly believed I had a lot of beginner’s luck; that anytime I would do something for the second time, it would be a little bit more challenging, if not a disaster. Be it teaching a new class, baking something, going…

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wedding day

5 years ago, our wedding day

    I’ve written posts for each of our wedding anniversaries but I never wrote about our wedding day. I hadn’t watched our wedding video in ages and to get inspired for my writing, I had a look at it and it made me emotional. Definitely the hormones, but it…

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We are all working moms

Aside from being a brilliant show, if you’ve not watched it you should, in fact I think everyone should watch it as it’s a real eye opener into the world of women. But let’s talk working moms. I read something that almost made me cry because work and mom are…

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Pregnancy and “Normal” Yoga

  Often in my pregnancy classes when we introduce ourselves, I ask my mamas if they have practiced yoga before and often we have referred to any other yoga class, other than pregnancy yoga, as “normal yoga”. And we didn’t mean it in a negative way or to say that…

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The joys and pains of breastfeeding


No it’s not a typo. Breastfeeding is an entirely different beast, alas one we do not hear enough about. I remember my first meltdown took place a couple of days after returning home with our baby. We couldn’t settle him at night and we weren’t sure if I had been…

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